The Doomsday Town of Stelle, Illinois
In the 1970’s, a group of apocalypse-fearing people led by Richard Kieninger created the town of Stelle, Illinois.

In the 1970’s, a group of apocalypse-fearing people led by Richard Kieninger created the town of Stelle, Illinois.
In the early 1970s, people in the rural farming community of Cabery, Illinois, looked on with curiosity at what was happening in the cornfields surrounding their town. Ranch-style houses began popping up where stalks once grew, and began spreading out far enough to form street blocks. Plastic and paper factories were being erected. Well-dressed men and women orbited the development. The newcomers’ intentions were mysterious, leading locals to begin speculating that their new neighbors might be part of a religious cult, or even laboring to build spaceships. Some longtime residents were so disturbed by the new arrivals that they’d drive by and fire weapons in the vicinity, hoping to scare them off.